Williams Mobility Blog

Outpatient Procedures & Transportation

Due to advancements in medical technology, outpatient procedures are becoming more and more common, eliminating the need for an overnight hospital stay after many minor surgeries. These procedures require that the patient have a family member, friend, or other trusted person to drive them home afterwards and in some cases stay with them for a period of time, to provide help when necessary or in case any problems arise post-procedure.

So, what does a person do if they have a procedure scheduled and friends are at work, family lives out of town, significant other has to stay with the kids, or some other similar scenario? Take public transportation, a taxi, Lyft, or Uber? Nope, none of these options will be allowed by the medical facility, as patients who have undergone sedation are often disoriented for some time afterwards, and need to be with a trusted adult. If you find yourself in this situation, Williams Mobility can help!

Williams Mobility will pick you up in the morning and drive you to your procedure, wait on site, take you home as soon as you are ready, and stay with you for a period of time if necessary to make sure you are recovering well and it is safe for you to be on your own. And you get that extra peace of mind knowing you have an EMT with you, just in case a problem should arise. Any medical procedure, no matter how minor, is always a bit stressful. But Williams Mobility can help, by making sure you do not have to worry about transportation or aftercare and can instead focus on your health!